Swami Maitreyi first came in contact with Yoga in 1985 and for 7 years she was deeply involved in the work of the Satyananda Yoga Center in Sweden, were she was trained as a yoga teacher and was teaching both general classes at the centers and also at private companies and at treatment centers for drug addicts.
In 1992 she left Sweden for India and Bihar School of Yoga, and participated in the first sannyasa course conducted by Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati for overseas students. After the course she decided to stay in the ashram in Munger and undergo intensive training under the direct guidance of her Guru.
In 1993 she was initiated into the Dashnami sannyas order and took the decision to dedicate her life to sannyasa and to her Guru’s mission. For 15 years she worked hard in the ashram to serve her guru and to pursue her own spiritual growth and understanding.
From 2006-2009 she was travelling to Sweden and Greece where she stayed in the ashrams and conducted seminars.
From 2009-2019 she was stationed in Bogota, Colombia at the South-american Satyananda Yoga Academy. She divided her time giving classes and seminars in Bogota, being part of the teaching team of Yogic Studies and travelling to South-America; Brasil, Uruguay, Argentina and Chile as well as Sweden, conducting seminars and in-service-training for the teachers. She has also continued to spend a few months every year in the Munger Ashram to further her sannyas training.
Since 2020 she is back in Sweden and Europe and is currently living in Sweden, giving classes and seminars at the different Satyananda schools in Sweden, being part of the teaching team of Satyananda Yoga Academy of Europe and giving online classes.